bloobook Chromista   icon

Chromists? What could that be? This term encompasses organisms that are related to one another, but previously belonged to the protozoa, to the plants or to the fungi. Many are tiny single-celled cells, some are huge multi-cellular cells. Most live in the water as part of the plankton or as seaweed where they form the basis of the food chain.


This is a virutal book out of the bloobook library that contains information about . Each species is displayed on its own page and whenever possible illustrated with a foto. The biological classification of each species is described and the relationship of the species is displayed in a graphical overview. This bloobook is available in different sizes; mini with 31 species, midi with species that have a foto and maxi with all available species.


This book contains the respective species name in several languages as listed below. The name is displayed here in english, if known, otherwise the latin name appears (in italics). Languages that are weakly represented in this bloobook appear in the table with a weak background.

bloobook Chromistaminimidimaxi
Species cun nomina31128388
Arten mit deutschen Namen171717
species with english names151919
specioj kun esperantaj nomoj101010
espèces avec des noms français161616
especies con nombres en español131313
有德国名字的物种 282828
specis kun precisis nomis
validated species388

Precizo is a new language for the uniform taxonomic designation of all living things. The Precizo names in bloobook are automatically generated from the valid Latin name.


I have compiled these informations from books and various web ressources. The scientific names of the species and the taxonomic category were validated on GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
In the index you will find a list of all pages and an alphabetical index of all english and latin names in this book. You can also display these names in all available languages.


To scroll through the book in the page view mode (page) move the cursor over the margins of the book; left margin-previous page, right margin-next page and further right-random page (in bloobook mini and maxi). You can find more information on navigation in the FAQs.

Page or list? Each species is presented on its own page. Superordinate groups are displayed in the form of a list.



Chromista as a biological kingdom was created in 1981 to distinguish some protists from typical protozoa and plants. At first, Chromista only included algae, but later analysis revealed that many protozoa also belong to the new group. Chromists contain chlorophyll c in their plastids. This is where they differ from plants and protozoa. This book contains chromists who are listed as accepted names on GBIF. Often the species are little known and have no colloquial names.

This bloobook shows only a small part of all existing species and tries to give an overview at the same time. All phyla, classes and orders are listed in the bloobook maxi. From each order one family - one genus - one species was selected as a representative.


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Important remark: the author can neither exclude errors in the bloobook entries definitely nor guarantee completeness. He does not accept any responsibility for entries in the bloobook or for any undesired consequences that could occur based on the information in the bloobook.

The links to other external websites that are contained in the bloobook have been carefully selected and examined; all the same we cannot accept any responsibility or liability for contents that are published on external web-pages. You are kindly requested to report errors: feedback.


This website was created by Paul Imboden in 2004. It appears here in the updated version (see footer). The bloobook website is licensed under the Creative Commons license by-nc-nd (Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Processing). If you like this website, set a bookmark to


Sources that were used to create this bloobook.

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