10-spot ladybird → Adalia decempunctata
13-spot ladybird → Hippodamia tredecimpunctata
13-spotted lady beetle → Hippodamia tredecimpunctata
14-spot ladybird → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
14-spotted ladybird beetle → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
2-spot ladybird → Adalia bipunctata
22-spot ladybird → Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
7-spotted lady-beetle → Coccinella septempunctata
Acorn borer → Curculio villosus
Acorn weevil → Curculio nucum
Alpine longhorn → Rosalia alpina
Alpine longhorn beetle → Rosalia alpina
Ambrosia beetle → Xyleborus dryographus
American seed beetle → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Animals → Animalia
Anobiid beetle → Anobiidae
Anobium borer → Anobium punctatum
Ant beetle → Thanasimus formicarius
Ant-like flower beetle → Anthicidae
Anthribid beetle → Anthribidae
Apion beetle → Apion frumentarium
Apple blossom weevil → Anthonomus pomorum
Apple fruit rhynchites → Tatianaerhynchites aequatus
Apple fruit weevil → Tatianaerhynchites aequatus
Arthropods → Arthropoda
Ash bark beetle → Hylesinus varius
Ashy grey longhorn beetle → Anaglyptus mysticus
Asian lady beetle → Harmonia axyridis
Asian lily beelte → Lilioceris lilii
Asparagus beetle → Crioceris asparagi
Asparagus beetle → Crioceris duodecimpunctata
Aspen leaf-rolling weevil → Byctiscus populi
Bacon beetle → Dermestes lardarius
Banded pine weevil → Pissodes pini
Banded sexton beetle → Nicrophorus investigator
Bark beetle → Dendroctonus
Bark beetle → Ips typographus
Bark beetle → Pityogenes chalcographus
Bark beetles → Ips
Bark runner → Rhagium inquisitor
Bark-gnawing beetle → Trogossitidae
Barley leaf beetle → Oulema melanopus
Beach splendour beetle → Agrilus viridis
Bean bruchid → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean bruchid → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean seed beetle → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean weevil → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean weevils → Acanthoscelides
Bee beetle → Attelabus apiarius
Bee beetle → Trichius fasciatus
Bee beetle → Trichius zonatus
Bee beetle → Trichodes alvearius
Bee chafer → Trichius zonatus
Bee-hive beetle → Trichodes alvearius
Beech furniture borer → Ptilinus pectinicornis
Beetle of the sheets → Timarcha tenebricosa
Beetles → Coleoptera
Bent-legged silpha → Necrodes littoralis
Berlin beetle → Trogoderma angustum
Black and red click beetle → Ampedus balteatus
Black longhorn beetle → Lamia textor
Black oil beetle → Meloe proscarabaeus
Black sexton beetle → Nicrophorus humator
Black-headed cardinal beetle → Cantharis coccinea
Blackbellied clerid → Clerus mutillarius
Blackspotted pliers support beetle → Rhagium mordax
Blister bee → Lytta vesicatoria
Blister beetle → Lytta vesicatoria
Blister beetles → Meloe
Blister beetles → Meloidae
Bloody-nosed beetle → Timarcha tenebricosa
Blue flatheaded borer → Phaenops cyanea
Blue pine wood borer → Phaenops cyanea
Blue-violett chaffer beetle → Hoplia coerulea
Bombardier beetle → Brachinus crepitans
Bookworm → Anobium punctatum
Bookworm plush doll → Anobium punctatum
Bostrichid beetle → Bostrichidae
Bow bugs → Dermestidae
Branch-and-twig borer → Bostrichidae
Brassy willow beetle → Phratora vitellinae
Broad-horned flour beetle → Gnatocerus cornutus
Broadhorned flour beetle → Gnatocerus cornutus
Brown hydrophile → Hydrophilus piceus
Brown willow beetle → Galerucella lineola
Brush beetle → Trichius fasciatus
Buprestids → Buprestidae
Buprestis-like melasia → Melasis buprestoides
Burying beetle → Nicrophorus investigator
C-7 → Coccinella septempunctata
Calosoma beetle → Calosoma sycophanta
Cantharadine → Lytta vesicatoria
Carabids → Carabidae
Cardinal beetle → Cantharis coccinea
Cardinal beetle → Pyrochroa serraticornis
Cardinal beetle → Pyrochroidae
Carnivorous water beetle → Dytiscus marginalis
Carpet beetle → Attagenus
Carpet beetles → Dermestidae
Carrion beetle → Silphidae
Carrrion beetle → Necrodes littoralis
Caterpillar hunter → Calosoma sycophanta
Caterpillar-hunter → Calosoma sycophanta
Cellar beetle → Blaps mucronata
Cereal leaf beetle → Oulema melanopus
Cereulean chafer beetle → Hoplia coerulea
Checkered bee beetle → Attelabus apiarius
Checkered beetle → Clerus mutillarius
Chequered beetles → Cleridae
Chestnut chockchafer → Melolontha hippocastani
Chestnut weevil → Curculio elephas
Chilenean warehouse beetle → Trogoderma angustum
Chockchafers → Melolontha
Churchyard beetle → Blaps mucronata
Cinging water beetle → Dryopidae
Click beetle → Elateridae
Cliff tiger beetle → Cylindera germanica
Clinging water beetle → Elmidae
Clock → Geotrupes stercorarius
Clown beetle → Hister quadrimaculatus
Cockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
Colorado beetle → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Colorado potato beetle → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Common asparagus beetle → Crioceris asparagi
Common bean weevil → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Common burying beetle → Nicrophorus vespillo
Common cardinal beetle → Pyrochroa serraticornis
Common chockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
Common dor beetle → Geotrupes stercorarius
Common european glow-worm → Lampyris noctiluca
Common furniture beetle → Anobium punctatum
Common glow worm → Lampyris noctiluca
Common hide beetle → Dermestes maculatus
Common malachite beetle → Malachius bipustulatus
Common pill beetle → Byrrhus pilula
Common pine shoot beetle → Tomicus piniperda
Common red soldier beetle → Rhagonycha fulva
Common scale snout beetle → Anthribus nebulosus
Common sexton beetle → Nicrophorus vespillo
Common sun beetle → Amara aenea
Common tiger beetle → Cicindela campestris
Common woodworm → Anobium punctatum
Confused flour beetle → Tribolium confusum
Coomon reed beetle → Donacia vulgaris
Corn weevil → Sitophilus granarius
Cosmopolitan powderpost beetle → Lyctus linearis
Crawling water beetle → Haliplidae
Crawling water beetle → Haliplus fulvus
Cream-spotted lady beetle → Calvia quatuordecimguttata
Crucifix ground beetle → Panagaeus cruxmajor
Danish flea beetle → Phyllotreta nemorum
Dark sailor beetle → Cantharis fusca
Darkling beetle → Blaps mucronata
Darkling beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Darkling beetles → Tenebrionidae
Death watch beetle → Xestobium rufovillosum
Death-watch beetle → Xestobium rufovillosum
Deathwatch beetle → Xestobium rufovillosum
Dermestid beetle → Anthrenus museorum
Dermestid beetles → Dermestidae
Devil's coach beetle → Ocypus olens
Devil's coach-horse beetle → Ocypus olens
Devil's coachhorse → Ocypus olens
Devils coach horse beetle → Ocypus olens
Diving beetle → Agabus bipustulatus
Diving beetles → Dytiscidae
Diving beetles → Dytiscus
Doodlebug → Melolontha melolontha
Dor → Geotrupes stercorarius
Dor beetle → Bolboceratidae
Dor beetle → Geotrupes
Dor beetle → Geotrupes stercorarius
Dor beetles → Geotrupidae
Dried bean beetle → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Dried bean weevil → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Drilid beetle → Drilidae
Dryopid → Dryopidae
Dumble dor → Geotrupes stercorarius
Dune tiger beetle → Cicindela hybrida
Dung beetle → Scarabaeus sacer
Dung beetles → Geotrupidae
EHB → Hylotrupes bajulus
Earth-boring dung beetles → Geotrupidae
Earth-boring scarab beetles → Geotrupes
Eight-toothed bark beetle → Ips typographus
Eight-toothed spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
Elater → Elateridae
Elm bark beetle → Scolytus scolytus
Elm leaf beetle → Chrysomela tanaceti
Elmid → Elmidae
Elongated Hydrochus → Hydrochus elongatus
Eucnemid beetle → Eucnemidae
Eurasian spanishfly → Lytta vesicatoria
European bark beetle predator → Dendroxena quadrimaculata
European blister beetle → Lytta vesicatoria
European calosoma beetle → Calosoma sycophanta
European chockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
European fire-fly → Luciola lusitanica
European firefly → Luciola lusitanica
European glow-worm → Lampyris noctiluca
European great diving beetle → Dytiscus latissimus
European ground beetle → Carabus nemoralis
European house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
European house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
European lyctus beetle → Lyctus linearis
European oil beetle → Meloe proscarabaeus
European red-bellied clerid → Thanasimus formicarius
European rhinoceros beetle → Oryctes nasicornis
European spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
European stag beetle → Lucanus cervus
Eyed ladybird → Anatis ocellata
Eyed longhorn beetle → Oberea oculata
Eyespotted lady beetle → Anatis ocellata
False blister beetle → Oedemeridae
False click beetle → Eucnemidae
False click bleetle → Melasis buprestoides
False firefly beetle → Drilidae
False ladybird → Endomychus coccineus
False powder-post beetle → Bostrichidae
Fan-bearing woodborer → Ptilinus pectinicornis
Fire-coloured beetle → Pyrochroidae
Fireflies → Lampyridae
Firefly → Lampyridae
Firefly → Lampyris noctiluca
Firefly beetle → Lampyris noctiluca
Flat grain beetle → Silvanidae
Flat-faced longhorn beetles → Saperda
Flatheaded pine borer → Chalcophora mariana
Flatheaded woodborer → Capnodis tenebrionis
Fleabeetle → Phyllotreta nemorum
Flesh-eating beetle → Dermestes maculatus
Flower beetles → Cetoniidae
Flower chafers → Cetoniidae
Flower scarabs → Cetoniidae
Flying weevil → Curculio nucum
Forest caterpillar hunter → Calosoma sycophanta
Forest chockchafer → Melolontha hippocastani
Four beetles → Tribolium
Four-spot carrion beetle → Dendroxena quadrimaculata
Fourteen-spot lady beetle → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
Fourteen-spotted lady beetle → Calvia quatuordecimguttata
Fourteen-spotted lady beetle → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
Fruit and flower chafers → Cetoniidae
Fruitworm beetle → Byturidae
Fungus weevil → Anthribidae
Fur beetle → Attagenus pellio
Furniture beetle → Anobium
Furniture beetle → Anobium punctatum
Furniture carpet beetle → Attagenus pellio
Gall weevil → Curculio villosus
Giant water beetle → Hydrophilus piceus
Gilded carabe → Carabus auratus
Glittering buprestid → Anthaxia nitidula
Globose pond-beetle → Hydrochara caraboides
Glow worms → Lampyridae
Glow-worm → Lamprohiza splendidula
Glow-worm → Lampyris noctiluca
Glow-worms → Lampyridae
Glow-worms → Lampyris
Glowworm → Lampyris noctiluca
Glowworms → Lampyris
Golden groudbeetle → Carabus auratus
Golden ground beetle → Carabus auratus
Golden-bloomed grey longhorn beetle → Agapanthia villosoviridescens
Grain beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Grain-weevil → Sitophilus granarius
Great capricorn beetle → Cerambyx cerdo
Great diving beetle → Dytiscus marginalis
Great silver beetle → Hydrophilus piceus
Great silver water beetle → Hydrophilus piceus
Green dock beetle → Gastrophysa viridula
Green dock leaf beetle → Gastrophysa viridula
Green immigrant leaf weevil → Polydrusus formosus
Green leaf beetle → Cryptocephalus hypochoeridis
Green malachite beetle → Malachius bipustulatus
Green rose chafer → Cetonia aurata
Green tiger beetle → Cicindela campestris
Green tortoise beetle → Cassida viridis
Green weevil → Polydrusus formosus
Grey click beetle → Ctenicera pectinicornis
Grooved diving beetle → Acilius sulcatus
Ground beetle → Amara aenea
Ground beetles → Carabidae
Grubs → Scarabaeidae
Hairy fungus beetle → Mycetophagidae
Hairy rove beetle → Creophilus maxillosus
Hairy water beetle → Dryopidae
Hairy whirligig → Orectochilus villosus
Hairy whirligig beetle → Orectochilus villosus
Halloween lady beetle → Harmonia axyridis
Ham beetle → Necrobia ruficollis
Handsome fungus beetle → Endomychidae
Handsome fungus beetle → Endomychus coccineus
Harlequin lady beedle → Harmonia axyridis
Harlequin ladybird → Harmonia axyridis
Hawthorn fruit weevil → Tatianaerhynchites aequatus
Hawthorn galerucine → Lochmaea crataegi
Hawthorn leaf beetle → Lochmaea crataegi
Hazel leaf roller weevil → Apoderus coryli
Hazel leaf roller weevil → Byctiscus betulae
Hazel leaf-roller → Apoderus coryli
Hazel leaf-roller → Byctiscus betulae
Hazel leaf-roller weevil → Apoderus coryli
Hazel nut weevil → Curculio nucum
Hazel weevil → Apoderus coryli
Hazel-leaf roller weevil → Apoderus coryli
Heath tiger beetle → Cicindela sylvatica
Hide beetle → Dermestes maculatus
Hide beetle → Trogidae
Hide beetles → Dermestidae
Hister beetle → Hister quadrimaculatus
Horned dung beetle → Copris lunaris
Horned powder-post beetle → Bostrichidae
Horned stag beetle → Sinodendron cylindricum
House longhorn → Hylotrupes bajulus
House longhorn beetle → Hylotrupes bajulus
Humble-bee staphylinus → Emus hirtus
Insects → Insecta
Jewel beetles → Buprestidae
June beetle → Amphimallon solstitiale
Khapra beetle → Trogoderma granarium
Khapra beetles → Dermestidae
Knock beetle → Xestobium rufovillosum
Lady beetles → Coccinellidae
Ladybird beetles → Coccinella
Ladybird beetles → Coccinellidae
Ladybirds → Coccinella
Ladybirds → Coccinellidae
Ladybugs → Coccinella
Ladybugs → Coccinellidae
Lampyre → Lampyris noctiluca
Larder beetle → Dermestes lardarius
Larder beetles → Dermestes
Larder beetles → Dermestidae
Large brown trunk beetle → Hylobius abietis
Large diving beetle → Dytiscus marginalis
Large elm beetle → Scolytus scolytus
Large european longicorn beetle → Cerambyx cerdo
Large pine beetle → Hylobius abietis
Large pine shoot beetle → Tomicus piniperda
Large pine weevil → Hylobius abietis
Large poplar borer → Saperda carcharias
Large spruce weevil → Hylobius excavatus
Large striped flea beetle → Phyllotreta nemorum
Large timberworm → Elateroides dermestoides
Large-headed badister → Broscus cephalotes
Larger eight-toothed european spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
Larger pine weevil → Pissodes pini
Leaf beetles → Chrysomelidae
Leaf rolling weevils → Attelabidae
Leaf-feeder → Lochmaea caprea
Leaf-roller weevils → Attelabidae
Leaf-rolling beetles → Apoderus
Least stag beetle → Sinodendron cylindricum
Leather beetle → Dermestes maculatus
Leather beetles → Dermestidae
Leathery carabus → Carabus coriaceus
Lef-rolling weevils → Attelabidae
Lema black cereal beetle → Oulema melanopus
Lesser bloody-nosed beetle → Timarcha tenebricosa
Lesser diving beetle → Acilius sulcatus
Lesser fire-fly → Lamprohiza splendidula
Lesser glow-worm → Phosphaenus hemipterus
Lesser grain borer → Rhyzopertha dominica
Lesser grain borer weevil → Rhyzopertha dominica
Lesser pine shoot beetle → Dendroctonus minor
Lesser silver water beetle → Hydrochara caraboides
Lesser stag beetle → Dorcus parallelipipedus
Lightning bug → Luciola lusitanica
Lightning bugs → Lampyridae
Lily beetle → Lilioceris lilii
Lily leaf beetle → Lilioceris lilii
Linden burncow → Lamprodila rutilans
Lined click beetle → Agriotes lineatus
Little glow-worm → Phosphaenus hemipterus
Long-headed carabus → Cychrus caraboides
Long-horned beetle → Ergates faber
Long-horned beetle → Monochamus galloprovincialis
Long-horned beetles → Cerambycidae
Long-snout weevil → Curculio nucum
Long-toad water beetle → Dryops auriculatus
Long-toed water beetle → Dryopidae
Longhorn beetle → Acanthocinus aedilis
Longhorn beetle → Cerambyx cerdo
Longhorn beetle → Dinoptera collaris
Longhorn beetles → Cerambycidae
Longhorned beetles → Cerambycidae
Longicorn beetle → Agapanthia villosoviridescens
Longicorns → Cerambycidae
Lousy watchman → Geotrupes stercorarius
Lunar-headed dung-beetle → Copris lunaris
Lunar-spotted mimic-beetle → Hister quadrimaculatus
Lycid beetle → Lycidae
Lyctus powderpost beetle → Lyctus linearis
Maid of kent beetle → Emus hirtus
Malachid beetle → Malachiusidae
Many-horned scarab → Odonteus armiger
Marsh beetle → Scirtidae
Marsh ground beetle → Scirtidae
Marsham's Noterus water-beetle → Noterus clavicornis
Marsham's water-beetle → Noterus clavicornis
May beetle → Melolontha melolontha
May bug → Melolontha melolontha
Maybug → Melolontha melolontha
Meal-beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Mealworm beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Mealworm beetles → Tenebrio
Mealworms → Tenebrio
Mediterranean firefly → Luciola lusitanica
Mediterranean spotted chafer → Oxythyrea funesta
Metalic wood-boring beetle → Anthaxia hungarica
Metalic wood-boring beetle → Ptosima undecimmaculata
Metallic green chafer → Protaetia cuprea
Metallic wood-boring-beetles → Buprestidae
Metallic wood-broing beetles → Chalcophora
Minor pith borer → Dendroctonus minor
Minotaure dung beetle → Typhaeus typhoeus
Mint leaf beetle → Chrysolina herbacea
Mint-beetle → Chrysolina herbacea
Monoceros beetle → Attelabus monoceros
Moss beetle → Byrrhidae
Mudswimmer → Ilybius fenestratus
Multicolored asian lady beetle → Harmonia axyridis
Museum beetle → Anthrenus museorum
Museum beetles → Dermestidae
Musk beetle → Aromia moschata
Narrow-necked grain beetle → Omonadus floralis
Narrownecked grain beetle → Omonadus floralis
Net-winged beetle → Lycidae
Net-winged beetle → Lygistopterus sanguineus
Nettle weevil → Phyllobius pomaceus
Noble chafer → Gnorimus nobilis
Nodule weevil → Sitona lineatus
Northern dune tiger beetle → Cicindela hybrida
Notch-headed hydrophilus → Spercheus emarginatus
Nut weevil → Curculio nucum
Oak jewel beetle → Agrilus biguttatus
Oak longhorn beetle → Phymatodes testaceus
Oak roller weevil → Attelabus nitens
Oak splendour beetle → Agrilus biguttatus
Oil beetle → Lytta vesicatoria
Oil beetles → Meloe
Old house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
Old-house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
Orange beetle → Lilioceris lilii
Orange-and-black galeruca → Phyllobrotica quadrimaculata
Orange-spotted diaperis → Chrysomela boleti
Orchid beetle → Dascillus cervinus
Pea leaf weevil → Sitona lineatus
Pea seed weevil → Sitona lineatus
Pea weevil → Bruchus pisorum
Peach capnodis → Capnodis tenebrionis
Peach flatheaded rootborer → Capnodis tenebrionis
Peardrop → Cybister lateralimarginalis
Pelt beetle → Attagenus pellio
Pill beetle → Byrrhidae
Pinchbuck → Rhagium sycophanta
Pine bark beetle → Pityogenes chalcographus
Pine borer → Chalcophora mariana
Pine borer beetle → Rhagium inquisitor
Pine sawyer → Lamia textor
Pine sawyer → Monochamus galloprovincialis
Pine sawyer → Monochamus sartor
Pine sawyer beetle → Monochamus galloprovincialis
Pine weevil → Hylobius abietis
Pine-borer → Chalcophora mariana
Pinhole borer → Platypus cylindrus
Pissodes weevil → Pissodes pini
Plum weevil → Otiorhynchus tenebricosus
Pollen-feeding beetle → Oedemeridae
Pond beetle → Acilius sulcatus
Poplar and willow borer → Cryptorhynchus lapathi
Poplar beetle → Chrysomela populi
Poplar borer → Saperda carcharias
Poplar leaf beatle → Chrysomela populi
Poplar leaf roller → Byctiscus populi
Poplar leaf-beetle → Chrysomela populi
Poplar leaf-rolling weevil → Byctiscus populi
Poplar long-horned beetle → Saperda carcharias
Poplar longhorned beetle → Saperda carcharias
Poplar-and-willow borer → Cryptorhynchus lapathi
Poplar/willow borer → Cryptorhynchus lapathi
Potato beetles → Leptinotarsa
Potato flea beetle → Psylliodes affinis
Powderpost beetle → Bostrichidae
Predaceaus diving beetle → Cybister lateralimarginalis
Predaceous diving beetle → Dytiscus latissimus
Predaceous diving beetles → Dytiscidae
Prionus bark beetle → Prionus coriarius
Purple-rimmed carabus → Carabus nemoralis
Raspberry beetle → Byturus tomentosus
Rasperry fruitworm → Byturidae
Red apion → Apion frumentarium
Red apion weevil → Apion frumentarium
Red legged weevil → Otiorhynchus tenebricosus
Red lily beetle → Lilioceris lilii
Red oak roller weevil → Attelabus nitens
Red poplar leaf beetle → Chrysomela populi
Red-breasted carrion beetle → Oiceoptoma thoracicum
Red-brown skipjack → Athous haemorrhoidalis
Red-headed cardinal beetle → Pyrochroa serraticornis
Red-legged ham beetle → Necrobia ruficollis
Red-legged weevil → Otiorhynchus tenebricosus
Red-necked necrobia → Necrobia ruficollis
Red-tipped flower beetle → Malachius bipustulatus
Rednecked longhorn beetle → Stictoleptura rubra
Redshouldered ham beetle → Necrobia ruficollis
Reed beetle → Donacia vulgaris
Reed-mace donacia → Donacia vulgaris
Rhino beetle → Oryctes nasicornis
Rhinoceros beetle → Oryctes nasicornis
Rhinoceros beetles → Dynastidae
Rhinoceros beetles → Oryctes
Ribbed pine borer → Rhagium inquisitor
Riffle beetle → Elmidae
Riffle beetle → Elmis aenea
Rolling beetle → Automobeetle
Rosalia longicorn → Rosalia alpina
Rose chafer → Cetonia aurata
Rose chafer beetle → Cetonia aurata
Rove beetle → Staphylinidae
Sacramento anthicid beetle → Anthrenus verbasci
Sacramento beetle → Anthrenus verbasci
Sacred scarab → Scarabaeus sacer
Sacred scarab beetle → Scarabaeus sacer
Sailor beetle → Cantharis rustica
Salix-feeder → Phratora vitellinae
Salt-water hydrobius → Hydrobius fuscipes
Sap beetle → Nitidulidae
Sap-feeding beetles → Nitidulidae
Saw-toothed grain beetle → Oryzaephilus surinamensis
Sawing support beetle → Prionus coriarius
Sawtoothed beetle → Oryzaephilus surinamensis
Sawtoothed grain beetle → Oryzaephilus surinamensis
Sawyer beetle → Monochamus sartor
Sawyer beetle → Prionus coriarius
Scarab beetles → Scarabaeidae
Scarabs → Scarabaeidae
Scarce cardinal beetle → Schizotus pectinicornis
Scarlet endomychus → Endomychus coccineus
Scarlet malachite beetle → Malachius aeneus
Screetch beetle → Dytiscus hermanni
Scrlet lily beetle → Lilioceris lilii
Seed weevil → Apion frumentarium
Seed weevils → Apionidae
Seven-spot ladybird → Coccinella septempunctata
Seven-spotted lady-beetle → Coccinella septempunctata
Seven-spotted ladybug → Coccinella septempunctata
Sextant beetle → Nicrophorus humator
Ship timber beetle → Lymexylon navale
Ship-timber beetle → Lymexylidae
Ship-timber beetle → Lymexylon navale
Shore sexton beetle → Necrodes littoralis
Siberian timberman → Acanthocinus aedilis
Siberian timberman beetle → Acanthocinus aedilis
Six-toothed spruce bark beetle → Pityogenes chalcographus
Skin beetle → Trogidae
Skin beetles → Dermestidae
Skipjack → Elateridae
Skullcap → Phyllobrotica quadrimaculata
Skullcap leaf beetle → Phyllobrotica quadrimaculata
Small glow-worm → Phosphaenus hemipterus
Small green metalic beetle → Gastrophysa viridula
Small green nettle weevil → Phyllobius pomaceus
Small water beetle → Haliplidae
Small white-marmorated longhorned beetle → Monochamus sartor
Snail-eating ground beetle → Cychrus caraboides
Snapping beetle → Elateridae
Snout beetles → Curculionidae
Soft-bodied plant beetle → Dascillidae
Soft-winged flower beetle → Melyridae
Soldier beetle → Cantharis fusca
Soldier beetle → Cantharis rustica
Soldier beetles → Cantharidae
Soldier beetles → Cantharis
Spanish fly → Lytta vesicatoria
Spotted asparagus beetle → Crioceris duodecimpunctata
Spotted cacidula → Coccidula scutellata
Spotted longhorn beetle → Rutpela maculata
Spring beetle → Elateridae
Spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
Spruce engraver beetle → Ips typographus
Spruce wood engraver → Pityogenes chalcographus
Squeeek beetle → Dytiscus hermanni
Stag beetle → Lucanus cervus
Stag beetles → Lucanidae
Stag beetles → Lucanus
Steelblue jewel beetle → Phaenops cyanea
Storage weevil → Sitophilus granarius
Strawberry ground beetle → Pterostichus madidus
Sulphur beetle → Cteniopus sulphureus
Swollen thighed beetle → Oedemera nobilis
Sylvanid flat bark beetle → Silvanidae
Tanbark borer → Phymatodes testaceus
Tanner → Prionus coriarius
Tansy leaf beetle → Chrysomela tanaceti
Ten-lined potato beetle → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Ten-spot ladybird → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-spot ladybird beetle → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-spotted lady beetle → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-spotted ladybird beetle → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-striped spearman → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
The sacred scarab of ancient Egypt → Scarabaeus sacer
The tanner → Prionus coriarius
Thick legged flower beetle → Oedemera nobilis
Thick-legged flower beetle → Oedemera femorata
Thick-legged flower beetle → Oedemera nobilis
Thirteen-spotted lady beetle → Hippodamia tredecimpunctata
Three-horned dor beetle → Typhaeus typhoeus
Three-horned minotaure beetle → Typhaeus typhoeus
Tiger beetles → Cicindela
Tiger longhorn beetle → Chlorophorus varius
Timberman → Acanthocinus aedilis
Timberman beetle → Acanthocinus aedilis
Tooth-nosed snout beetles → Attelabidae
Tooth-nosed snout weevils → Rhynchitidae
Tortoise beetle → Cassida viridis
Tortoise beetles → Cassida
Traight-snouted weevil → Apionidae
Tree beetles → Chrysomelidae
Tri-voltine leaf beetle → Gastrophysa viridula
True weevils → Curculionidae
True weevils → Hylobius
Turnip flea beetle → Phyllotreta nigripes
Turnip flea bleetle → Phyllotreta nemorum
Twelfe-spotted asparagus beetle → Crioceris duodecimpunctata
Twentytwo-spot ladybird → Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
Twentytwo-spotted ladybird → Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
Twin eyed longhorn beetle → Oberea oculata
Twin spot → Oberea oculata
Twin spot longhorn beetle → Oberea oculata
Two-spot carpet beetle → Attagenus pellio
Two-spot ladybird → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted carpet beetle → Attagenus pellio
Two-spotted lady beetle → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted lady beetle → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted ladybird beetle → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted ladybug → Adalia bipunctata
Twospotted ladybeetle → Adalia bipunctata
VW-beetle → VW kaefer
Varied carpet beetle → Anthrenus verbasci
Variegated carpet beetle → Anthrenus verbasci
Variegated mud-loving beetle → Heteroceridae
Variegated oil beetle → Meloe variegatus
Viburnum beetle → Phratora vitellinae
Viburnum leaf beetle → Pyrrhalta viburni
Vine leaf roller → Byctiscus betulae
Violet beetle → Carabus violaceus
Violet ground beetle → Carabus violaceus
Violet ground-beetle → Carabus violaceus
Violet oil beetle → Meloe violaceus
Wasp beetle → Chlorophorus varius
Wasp beetle → Clytus arietis
Wasp longhorn beetle → Rutpela maculata
Water beetle → Agabus bipustulatus
Water beetles → Dytiscidae
Water scavenger beetle → Hydrophilidae
Water tiger → Dytiscus marginalis
Waterside beetle → Omophron limbatum
Waterside ground beetle → Omophron limbatum
Weevils → Curculionidae
Whirligig beetle → Dytiscus natator
Whirligig beetle → Gyrinidae
Whirling beetle → Gyrinus
Whirlygig beetle → Dytiscus natator
White grub chockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
White spotted rose beetle → Oxythyrea funesta
White-marked spider beetle → Ptinus fur
White-spotted barbary bug → Oxythyrea funesta
White-spotted rose beetle → Oxythyrea funesta
Whitemarked spider beetle → Ptinus fur
Willow gall weevil → Archarius salicivorus
Willow leaf beetle → Lochmaea caprea
Willow-feeding leaf beetle → Galerucella lineola
Windsor wood-borer → Lymexylon navale
Wireworm → Agriotes lineatus
Wireworm → Elateridae
Wood borer → Anobiidae
Wood tiger beetle → Cicindela sylvatica
Wood-boring beetle → Bostrichidae
Wood-boring larva → Elateroides dermestoides
Woodboring beetles → Hylotrupes
Woodworm → Anobiidae
Woodworm → Hylotrupes bajulus
Yellow and black 22-spot ladybird → Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
Yellow and black longhorn → Rutpela maculata
Yellow mealworm → Tenebrio molitor
Yellow mealworm beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Yellow-striped flea beetle → Phyllotreta nemorum
Yellow-tipped cryptocephalus → Chiridopsis bipunctata
Yellowish drile → Drilus flavescens
Alphabetical list of common english names