10-spot ladybird → Adalia decempunctata
14-spot ladybird → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
14-spotted ladybird beetle → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
2-spot ladybird → Adalia bipunctata
7-spotted lady-beetle → Coccinella septempunctata
Alpine longhorn → Rosalia alpina
Alpine longhorn beetle → Rosalia alpina
American seed beetle → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Animals → Animalia
Ant beetle → Thanasimus formicarius
Arthropods → Arthropoda
Bacon beetle → Dermestes lardarius
Bark beetle → Ips typographus
Bark beetles → Ips
Bean bruchid → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean bruchid → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean seed beetle → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean weevil → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Bean weevils → Acanthoscelides
Beetles → Coleoptera
Black oil beetle → Meloe proscarabaeus
Black-headed cardinal beetle → Cantharis coccinea
Blister beetles → Meloe
Blister beetles → Meloidae
Blue flatheaded borer → Phaenops cyanea
Blue pine wood borer → Phaenops cyanea
Bow bugs → Dermestidae
Buprestids → Buprestidae
C-7 → Coccinella septempunctata
Cardinal beetle → Cantharis coccinea
Carnivorous water beetle → Dytiscus marginalis
Carpet beetles → Dermestidae
Chequered beetles → Cleridae
Chockchafers → Melolontha
Clock → Geotrupes stercorarius
Cockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
Colorado beetle → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Colorado potato beetle → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Common bean weevil → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Common chockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
Common dor beetle → Geotrupes stercorarius
Common european glow-worm → Lampyris noctiluca
Common glow worm → Lampyris noctiluca
Dark sailor beetle → Cantharis fusca
Darkling beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Darkling beetles → Tenebrionidae
Dermestid beetles → Dermestidae
Diving beetles → Dytiscidae
Diving beetles → Dytiscus
Doodlebug → Melolontha melolontha
Dor → Geotrupes stercorarius
Dor beetle → Geotrupes
Dor beetle → Geotrupes stercorarius
Dor beetles → Geotrupidae
Dried bean beetle → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Dried bean weevil → Acanthoscelides obtectus
Dumble dor → Geotrupes stercorarius
Dung beetles → Geotrupidae
EHB → Hylotrupes bajulus
Earth-boring dung beetles → Geotrupidae
Earth-boring scarab beetles → Geotrupes
Eight-toothed bark beetle → Ips typographus
Eight-toothed spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
European chockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
European glow-worm → Lampyris noctiluca
European house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
European house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
European oil beetle → Meloe proscarabaeus
European red-bellied clerid → Thanasimus formicarius
European rhinoceros beetle → Oryctes nasicornis
European spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
European stag beetle → Lucanus cervus
Fireflies → Lampyridae
Firefly → Lampyridae
Firefly → Lampyris noctiluca
Firefly beetle → Lampyris noctiluca
Flat-faced longhorn beetles → Saperda
Flatheaded pine borer → Chalcophora mariana
Flower beetles → Cetoniidae
Flower chafers → Cetoniidae
Flower scarabs → Cetoniidae
Fourteen-spot lady beetle → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
Fourteen-spotted lady beetle → Propylea quatuordecimpunctata
Fruit and flower chafers → Cetoniidae
Glow worms → Lampyridae
Glow-worm → Lampyris noctiluca
Glow-worms → Lampyridae
Glow-worms → Lampyris
Glowworm → Lampyris noctiluca
Glowworms → Lampyris
Grain beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Great diving beetle → Dytiscus marginalis
Green rose chafer → Cetonia aurata
Grubs → Scarabaeidae
Hazel leaf roller weevil → Apoderus coryli
Hazel leaf-roller → Apoderus coryli
Hazel leaf-roller weevil → Apoderus coryli
Hazel weevil → Apoderus coryli
Hazel-leaf roller weevil → Apoderus coryli
Hide beetles → Dermestidae
House longhorn → Hylotrupes bajulus
House longhorn beetle → Hylotrupes bajulus
Insects → Insecta
Jewel beetles → Buprestidae
Khapra beetles → Dermestidae
Lady beetles → Coccinellidae
Ladybird beetles → Coccinella
Ladybird beetles → Coccinellidae
Ladybirds → Coccinella
Ladybirds → Coccinellidae
Ladybugs → Coccinella
Ladybugs → Coccinellidae
Lampyre → Lampyris noctiluca
Larder beetle → Dermestes lardarius
Larder beetles → Dermestes
Larder beetles → Dermestidae
Large brown trunk beetle → Hylobius abietis
Large diving beetle → Dytiscus marginalis
Large pine beetle → Hylobius abietis
Large pine weevil → Hylobius abietis
Large poplar borer → Saperda carcharias
Larger eight-toothed european spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
Leaf beetles → Chrysomelidae
Leaf rolling weevils → Attelabidae
Leaf-roller weevils → Attelabidae
Leaf-rolling beetles → Apoderus
Leather beetles → Dermestidae
Lef-rolling weevils → Attelabidae
Lightning bugs → Lampyridae
Long-horned beetles → Cerambycidae
Longhorn beetle → Acanthocinus aedilis
Longhorn beetles → Cerambycidae
Longhorned beetles → Cerambycidae
Longicorns → Cerambycidae
Lousy watchman → Geotrupes stercorarius
May beetle → Melolontha melolontha
May bug → Melolontha melolontha
Maybug → Melolontha melolontha
Meal-beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Mealworm beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Mealworm beetles → Tenebrio
Mealworms → Tenebrio
Mediterranean spotted chafer → Oxythyrea funesta
Metallic wood-boring-beetles → Buprestidae
Metallic wood-broing beetles → Chalcophora
Museum beetles → Dermestidae
Oil beetles → Meloe
Old house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
Old-house borer → Hylotrupes bajulus
Peardrop → Cybister lateralimarginalis
Pine borer → Chalcophora mariana
Pine weevil → Hylobius abietis
Pine-borer → Chalcophora mariana
Poplar borer → Saperda carcharias
Poplar long-horned beetle → Saperda carcharias
Poplar longhorned beetle → Saperda carcharias
Potato beetles → Leptinotarsa
Predaceaus diving beetle → Cybister lateralimarginalis
Predaceous diving beetles → Dytiscidae
Rhino beetle → Oryctes nasicornis
Rhinoceros beetle → Oryctes nasicornis
Rhinoceros beetles → Dynastidae
Rhinoceros beetles → Oryctes
Rosalia longicorn → Rosalia alpina
Rose chafer → Cetonia aurata
Rose chafer beetle → Cetonia aurata
Scarab beetles → Scarabaeidae
Scarabs → Scarabaeidae
Seven-spot ladybird → Coccinella septempunctata
Seven-spotted lady-beetle → Coccinella septempunctata
Seven-spotted ladybug → Coccinella septempunctata
Siberian timberman → Acanthocinus aedilis
Siberian timberman beetle → Acanthocinus aedilis
Skin beetles → Dermestidae
Snout beetles → Curculionidae
Soldier beetle → Cantharis fusca
Soldier beetles → Cantharidae
Soldier beetles → Cantharis
Spruce bark beetle → Ips typographus
Spruce engraver beetle → Ips typographus
Stag beetle → Lucanus cervus
Stag beetles → Lucanidae
Stag beetles → Lucanus
Steelblue jewel beetle → Phaenops cyanea
Ten-lined potato beetle → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Ten-spot ladybird → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-spot ladybird beetle → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-spotted lady beetle → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-spotted ladybird beetle → Adalia decempunctata
Ten-striped spearman → Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Timberman → Acanthocinus aedilis
Timberman beetle → Acanthocinus aedilis
Tooth-nosed snout beetles → Attelabidae
Tree beetles → Chrysomelidae
True weevils → Curculionidae
True weevils → Hylobius
Two-spot ladybird → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted lady beetle → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted lady beetle → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted ladybird beetle → Adalia bipunctata
Two-spotted ladybug → Adalia bipunctata
Twospotted ladybeetle → Adalia bipunctata
Wasp beetle → Clytus arietis
Water beetles → Dytiscidae
Water tiger → Dytiscus marginalis
Weevils → Curculionidae
White grub chockchafer → Melolontha melolontha
White spotted rose beetle → Oxythyrea funesta
White-spotted barbary bug → Oxythyrea funesta
White-spotted rose beetle → Oxythyrea funesta
Woodboring beetles → Hylotrupes
Woodworm → Hylotrupes bajulus
Yellow mealworm → Tenebrio molitor
Yellow mealworm beetle → Tenebrio molitor
Alphabetical list of common english names