| Bildernachweis für dieses bloobook. Alle Fotos sind mit Autor, Ursprungs-URL und Lizenzform bezeichnet. Die meisten Fotos wurden dank einer creative commons Lizenz (CC-licence) freigegeben. Herzlichen Dank allen Autoren, die ihre Werke unter CC-licence zur Verfügung stellen
96 fotos
Foto | Species / Forma | Author / Source / Licence |
| Acheta domestica adultf | Aiwok Acheta domesticus 1.JPG creative-commons by-sa |
| Acheta domestica adultm | Luis Fernández García L. Fdez Acheta-domestica-1.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Aeshna cyanea larva | nor and 44423948691 38a0dfa973 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-nd |
| Aeshna cyanea larva | Frank Vincentz Aeshna cyanea2 ies.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Aeshna cyanea adultm | Wolfgang Theofel Blaugrüne Mosaikjunger Flug01.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Aeshna cyanea adultf | Andreas Eichler Ahrensberg Blaugruene Mosaikjungfer Weibchen.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Aeshna cyanea adultm, adultf | Smudge 9000 5786848451 25e21703c2 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc |
| Anax imperator larva | Keith Wilson 16144912130 edd3e25bf8 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc |
| Anax imperator adultm | Paul Ritchie 18526024419 fa614832e0 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-nd |
| Anax imperator adultf | gailhampshire 9984420055 4b36689e42 z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Aphis fabae adult | Sascha Kohlmann 9269106141 79ec5b72a4 z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Aphis fabae multi | S. Rae 23284005492 dd7f43dab1 z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Blatta orientalis adultf | Ferran Turmo Gort 3080677320 578dc5e26b z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Blatta orientalis adult | Ildar Sagdejev Blatta orientalis ecdysis 2.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Blattella germanica adult | Lmbuga Blattodea Cascuda Santiago de Compostela 1.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis adult | Ferran Pestaña 5142388206 50fb77821e z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis larva | Ferran Turmo Gort 8154149483 1459cafbdd z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis adultm, adultf | Sarah Gregg 9719910893 61ffee805e z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis adultm | Alvesgaspar Damselfly July 2009-1a.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Calopteryx splendens adultm | Andreas Eichler Ladenburg Gebaenderte Prachtlibelle Maennchen.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Calopteryx splendens adultf | Andreas Eichler Gebaenderte Prachtlibelle Weibchen.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Calopteryx splendens adultm, adultf | Quartl Calopteryx splendens qtl7.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Calopteryx virgo adultm | Frupus 6088566394 be900a2da9 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc |
| Calopteryx virgo adultf | Bernard DUPONT 35377820271 4e41792e6d z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Calopteryx virgo adultm, adultf | Soebe Calopteryx virgo mating 3814.JPG creative-commons by-sa |
| Carausius morosus adult | Samuel 7530894858 807db01466 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc |
| Carausius morosus adultf | Drägüs Carausius morosus female ventral view.jpg creative-commons public domain |
| Chorthippus brunneus adultm | G.-U. Tolkiehn Chorthippus brunneus 5820.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Chorthippus brunneus adultf | Andreas Eichler Brauner Grashuepfer Weibchen.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Chorthippus brunneus adult | Walwyn 2303189630 bfbc4bdf43 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Cimex lectularius adultf | Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library PHIL Adult bed bug Cimex lectularius.jpg creative-commons public domain |
| Cimex lectularius adultm | AFPMB 4927148560 68feecc8e4 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-nd |
| Cimex lectularius adultf | Gilles San Martin Adult Female Bed Bug Cimex lectularius.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Cordulegaster boltonii adultf | Ferran Turmo Gort 15906023396 6be1d90aa4 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Cordulegaster boltonii adultm | Rosenzweig Cordulegaster boltonii male Wuestenrot.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Cordulegaster boltonii larva | Ferran Turmo Gort 3598565500 bec02982df z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Cordulegaster boltonii adultf, adultm | Ombrosoparacloucycle 2898509197 fc20eb6c6e z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Enallagma cyathigerum adultm | Kent McFarland 7281709862 cdbea41411 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc |
| Enallagma cyathigerum adultf | Peter O'Connor aka anemoneprojectors 5799676224 7dba4413cd z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Enallagma cyathigerum adultm, adultf | Loz L. B. Tettenborn Enallagma cyathigerum 1 loz.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Forficula auricularia ovum, juven | Pudding4brains Earwig nest Lonnekermeer20070411 04.jpg creative-commons public domain |
| Forficula auricularia juven | Pudding4brains F-auricularia nymph Kollenberg.jpg creative-commons public domain |
| Forficula auricularia adultm | James Lindsey Forficula auricularia lindsey.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Forficula auricularia adult | Pudding4brains F-auricularia F defensive HngVolkstn.jpg creative-commons public domain |
| Gerris lacustris juven | James Lindsey Gerris lacustris nymph.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Gerris lacustris adult | Olivier Richardet 32503024331 822b984a01 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-nd |
| Gerris lacustris adult, multi | Ferran Pestaña 6233654088 d542b39452 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa adult | Victor 4592397349 2911315d6a z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-nd |
| Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa adult | JorritvWamelimage Veenmol.JPG creative-commons by-sa |
| Gryllus campestris juven | gbohne 9687812596 1ccd6d761e z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Gryllus campestris adultf | gailhampshire 45338248741 39c2ae7eb9 z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Gryllus campestris adultm | Gilles San Martin Gryllus campestris 2321107154.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Lepisma saccharina adult | Christian Fischer LepismaSaccharina.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Lepisma saccharina adult | Siga Lepisma saccharina up.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Locusta migratoria juven | ChriKo Locusta m migratorioides L5 solitary.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Locusta migratoria juven | ChriKo Locusta migratoria L3.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Locusta migratoria juven | Bernard DUPONT 29506595357 b2f440d4d3 z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Locusta migratoria adult | Gilles San Martin 22299588392 9f1bc94c97 z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Locusta migratoria adultf, adultm | Greg Peterson 30034505022 49226f2342 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Mantis religiosa juvenf | Orchi Mantis religiosa Nymphe RhldPfalz 026.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Mantis religiosa adult | Alvesgaspar Mantid August 2007-2.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Mantis religiosa adultf | Sébastien Majerowicz 36593985794 6cc6320ec2 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Mantis religiosa adultf, adultm | Ferran Turmo Gort 7669758684 d0314b5793 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Notonecta glauca adult | Holger Gröschl Notonecta glauca1.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Notonecta glauca adult | Ben Sale 29705232687 608ca7ae89 z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Oedipoda caerulescens adultf | Björn S... 20418403874 11769b97bd z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Oedipoda caerulescens adultm | Andreas Eichler Blaufluegelige Oedlandschrecke Maennchen.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Oedipoda caerulescens adultf, adultm | Fritz Geller-Grimm Oedipoda caerulescens fg01.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Orthetrum coerulescens adultf | Ferran Turmo Gort 22658213796 80f72132c1 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Orthetrum coerulescens adultm | Ferran Pestaña 6168249691 39bc5c629a z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Palomena prasina ovum | Sarefo Palomena cf prasina eggs.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Palomena prasina juven | Ferran Turmo Gort 19137534698 a9675c789a z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Palomena prasina juven | Martin Cooper 15744255407 565ffc86b4 z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Palomena prasina adult | entomart Palomena prasina01.jpg creative-commons by |
| Palomena prasina adultm, adultf | Line Sabroe 20186642518 baa3908453 z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Pediculus humanus adultm | Gilles San Martin 4900867458 9c884be1ea z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Pediculus humanus adult | EOL Learning and Education Group 14292289845 e77197c8a1 z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Phaneroptera falcata juvenm | Gilles San Martin Phaneroptera falcata larva 2388208521.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Phaneroptera falcata juvenf | Andreas Eichler Gemeine Sichelschrecke-Weibchen-Nymphe.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Phaneroptera falcata adultm | juan e Phaneroptera falcata male.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Phaneroptera falcata adultf | Gilles San Martin 2320290079 95aeaacb49 z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Philaenus spumarius vestigia, juven | Kurt Kulac Cercopis nest1.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Philaenus spumarius juven | Dave Campbell 167126219 044e53045d z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-nd |
| Philaenus spumarius adult | Walwyn 2766563572 7c801ed5d0 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Philaenus spumarius adult | Dann Thombs 7567856260 9dc81d913f z.jpg creative-commons by-nc |
| Pseudochorthippus parallelus juven | James Lindsey Chorthippus parallelus4lindsey.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Pseudochorthippus parallelus adultm | Angela Schwarz Chorthippus parallelus.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Pseudochorthippus parallelus adultf | G.-U. Tolkiehn Chorthippus parallelus 8586.jpg creative-commons by |
| Pyrrhocoris apterus juven | Genealogist Nymphe der Feuerwanze.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Pyrrhocoris apterus adult | Katja Schulz 15978257961 a3f05b910e z.jpg creative-commons by |
| Pyrrhocoris apterus adult, juven | Bart Wursten 5989619923 dfb976bc6a z.jpg creative-commons by-nc-sa |
| Pyrrhocoris apterus adultm, adultf | Jean-Daniel Echenard 9328294787 4e4cfec4f7 z.jpg creative-commons by-nd |
| Tettigonia viridissima juven | MIRROR Tettigonia viridissima 3.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Tettigonia viridissima juven | Ryszard 16547286110 9b190971c3 z.jpg creative-commons by-nc |
| Tettigonia viridissima adultf | hedera.baltica 29754915127 88280bda93 z.jpg creative-commons by-sa |
| Tettigonia viridissima adultm | Kuebi Heuschrecke MG 6240.JPG creative-commons by-sa |