Admiral → Vanessa atalanta
Admiral butterfly → Vanessa atalanta
Adonis blue → Polyommatus bellargus
Adonis blue butterfly → Polyommatus bellargus
African death's head hawkmoth → Acherontia atropos
Anglewing butterflies → Nymphalis
Animals → Animalia
Apollo → Parnassius apollo
Apollo butterfly → Parnassius apollo
Apollofalter → Parnassius apollo
Apollos → Parnassius
Apple codling moth → Cydia pomonella
Aristotle's silkworm → Saturnia pyri
Artemisia swallowtail → Papilio machaon
Arthropods → Arthropoda
Beautiful painted lady → Vanessa cardui
Black arches → Lymantria monacha
Black arches moth → Lymantria monacha
Blackleg tortoiseshell → Nymphalis polychloros
Blues → Lycaenidae
Blues coppers hairstreaks and azures → Lycaenidae
Brush-footed butterflies → Nymphalidae
Brushfooted butterflies → Nymphalidae
Brushfoots → Nymphalidae
Butterflies and moths → Lepidoptera
Camberweill beauty → Nymphalis antiopa
Camberwell beauty → Nymphalis antiopa
Cardinal → Argynnis pandora
Cardinal butterfly → Argynnis pandora
Cardinal fritillary → Argynnis pandora
Cinnabar → Tyria jacobaeae
Cinnabar moth → Tyria jacobaeae
Codling moth → Cydia pomonella
Common blue → Polyommatus icarus
Common blue blutterfly → Polyommatus icarus
Common tiger wanderer → Danaus plexippus
Common yellow swallowtail → Papilio machaon
Coppers and haristreaks → Lycaenidae
Corn borer → Ostrinia nubilalis
Corn moth → Ostrinia nubilalis
Cosmopolitan → Vanessa cardui
Crambid snout moths → Crambidae
Dark green fritillary → Argynnis aglaja
Death's head hawk moths → Acherontia
Death's head hawkmoths → Acherontia
Death's-head hawk-moth → Acherontia atropos
Death's-head hawkmoth → Acherontia atropos
Deaths head moth → Acherontia atropos
Deathshead-hawkmoth → Acherontia atropos
Emperor moth → Saturnia pavonia
Emperor moths → Saturnia
Emperor moths → Saturniidae
Erebid moths → Erebidae
Eurasian hummingbird hawkmoth → Macroglossum stellatarum
European common blue → Polyommatus icarus
European corn borer → Ostrinia nubilalis
European corn borer and allies → Ostrinia
European corn-borer → Ostrinia nubilalis
European corn-borer moth → Ostrinia nubilalis
European corn-worm → Ostrinia nubilalis
European high-flyer → Ostrinia nubilalis
European peacock → Aglais io
Flour moth → Plodia interpunctella
Garden whites → Pieris Pieridae
Giant emperor moth → Saturnia pyri
Giant peacock moth → Saturnia pyri
Giant silk moths → Saturniidae
Giant silkmoths → Saturniidae
Giant silkworm moths → Saturniidae
Giant silworms and royal moths → Saturniidae
Gossamer-wing butterflies → Lycaenidae
Gossamer-winged butterflies → Lycaenidae
Gossamer-wings → Lycaenidae
Grain moth → Plodia interpunctella
Grass moths → Crambidae
Grass moths → Pyralidae
Great fritillary → Argynnis paphia
Great peacock moth → Saturnia pyri
Greater death's head hawkmoth → Acherontia atropos
Green veined white → Pieris napi
Green-veined white → Pieris napi
Green-veined white butterfly → Pieris napi
Gypsy moths → Lymantria
Harvesters → Lycaenidae
Hawk moths → Sphingidae
Hawk moths → Sphinx
Hawk-moths → Sphingidae
Hawkmoths → Sphingidae
Hornworms → Sphingidae
Humming-bird hawk-moth → Macroglossum stellatarum
Hummingbird hawk moth → Macroglossum stellatarum
Hummingbird hawk-moth → Macroglossum stellatarum
Hummingbird hawk-moths → Macroglossum
Hummingbird hawks → Macroglossum
Indian meal moth → Plodia interpunctella
Indian pantry moth → Plodia interpunctella
Indian-meal moth → Plodia interpunctella
Indianmeal moth → Plodia interpunctella
Insects → Insecta
Large emperor moth → Saturnia pyri
Large tortoiseshell → Nymphalis polychloros
Large tortoiseshell blackleg → Nymphalis polychloros
Leafroller moths → Tortricidae
Lepidopterans → Lepidoptera
Mazarine blue → Cyaniris semiargus
Mediterranean fritillary → Argynnis pandora
Milkweeds → Danaus
Monarch → Danaus plexippus
Monarch butterfly → Danaus plexippus
Monarchs → Danaus
Moths and butterflies → Lepidoptera
Mountain apollo → Parnassius apollo
Mourning cloak → Nymphalis antiopa
Mourning cloak butterfly → Nymphalis antiopa
Mourningcloak butterfly → Nymphalis antiopa
North american high flyer → Plodia interpunctella
Nun moth → Lymantria monacha
Nymphalid butterflies → Nymphalidae
Old world swallowtail → Papilio machaon
Old world swallowtail butterfly → Papilio machaon
Orange tip → Anthocharis cardamines
Orange tip butterfly → Anthocharis cardamines
Orange tips → Anthocharis
Orange-tip → Anthocharis cardamines
Orange-tips → Anthocharis
Orangetips → Anthocharis
Painted beauty and red admiral → Vanessa
Painted lady → Vanessa cardui
Pandora → Argynnis pandora
Pantry moth → Plodia interpunctella
Peacock → Aglais io
Peacock butterfly → Aglais io
Pearl bordered fritillary → Boloria euphrosyne
Pearl-boardered fritillary → Boloria euphrosyne
Pearl-bordered fritillary → Boloria euphrosyne
Pearl-bordered fritillary butterfly → Boloria euphrosyne
Piercers → Cydia
Privet hawk moth → Sphinx ligustri
Privet hawk-moth → Sphinx ligustri
Privet hawkmoth → Sphinx ligustri
Pyralid moths → Pyralidae
Pyralid snout moths → Pyralidae
Queens → Danaus
Red admirable → Vanessa atalanta
Red admiral → Vanessa atalanta
Red admiral butterfly → Vanessa atalanta
Royal moths → Saturniidae
Ruby tiger → Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Ruby tiger moth → Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Ruby tiger moths → Phragmatobia
Saturniids → Saturniidae
Satyrid hairstreaks → Satyrium Lycaenidae
Schwalbenschwanz → Papilio machaon
Silkmoths → Saturniidae
Silver washed fritillary butterfly → Argynnis paphia
Silver-stripe fritillary → Argynnis paphia
Silver-washed fritillary → Argynnis paphia
Skippers and moths → Lepidoptera
Small emperor moth → Saturnia pavonia
Small pearl-bordered fritillary → Boloria euphrosyne
Small tortoiseshell → Aglais urticae
Small tortoiseshell butterfly → Aglais urticae
Snout moths → Pyralidae
Snout-moths → Pyralidae
Snow apollos → Parnassius
Southern festoon → Zerynthia polyxena
Sphinx moths → Sphingidae
Spiny elm caterpillar → Nymphalis antiopa
Stout tiger moth → Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Sulphurs → Pieridae
Sulphurs and whites → Pieridae
Swallowtail → Papilio machaon
Swallowtail and parnassian butterflies → Papilionidae
Swallowtail butterflies → Papilionidae
Swallowtails → Papilio
Swallowtails → Papilionidae
Swallowtails and parnassians → Papilionidae
Swallowtails birdwings parnassians and kites → Papilionidae
The cosmopolitan → Vanessa cardui
The painted lady butterfly → Vanessa cardui
Thistle caterpillar → Vanessa cardui
Tiger-moths → Phragmatobia
Tigermoths → Phragmatobia
Tigers → Danaus
Tortoiseshells → Nymphalis
Tortrix moths → Cydia
Tortrix moths → Tortricidae
Trotricids → Tortricidae
Tussock moths → Lymantria
Viennese emperor → Saturnia pyri
Wanderer → Danaus plexippus
Wanderers → Danaus
Weevil moth → Plodia interpunctella
White letter hairstreak → Satyrium w album
White-letter hairstreak → Satyrium w album
Whites → Pieris Pieridae
Whites and sulfurs → Pieridae
Whites and yellows → Pieridae
Wild silk moths → Saturniidae
Alphabetical list of common english names