Abalone → Haliotis tuberculata
Abalones → Haliotidae
Abalones → Haliotis
Air-breathing freshwater snails → Planorbis
Air-breathing land snails and slugs → Stylommatophora
Animals → Animalia
Arion slugs → Arion
Arionid slugs → Arionidae
Atlantic bobtail → Sepiola atlantica
Atlantic bobtail squid → Sepiola atlantica
Atlantic cuttlefish → Sepiola atlantica
Atlantic surf clam → Spisula solida
Bearded horse mussel → Modiolus barbatus
Bearded horse-mussel → Modiolus barbatus
Bearded mussel → Modiolus barbatus
Belon oyster → Ostrea edulis
Bivalves → Bivalvia
Blue mussel → Mytilus edulis
Blue mussels → Mytilus
Bobtail squid → Sepiola atlantica
Bobtail squids → Sepiola
Bobtails squids → Sepiolidae
Brown garden snail → Cornu aspersum
Brown garden snails → Cornu
Buccinid gastropods → Buccinidae
Buckie → Neptunea antiqua
Burgundy snail → Helix pomatia
Cardiids → Cardiida
Carpet shell clam → Ruditapes decussatus
Carpet-shell clam → Ruditapes decussatus
Cephalopods → Cephalopoda
Chequered carpet shell → Ruditapes decussatus
Cherrystone → Mercenaria mercenaria
Chocolate arion → Arion rufus
Clams → Ruditapes
Clams and mussels → Bivalvia
Clams oysters mussels and scallops → Bivalvia
Cockle → Cerastoderma edule
Cockles → Cardiidae
Cockles → Cerastoderma
Comb shells → Pecten
Commercial abalone → Haliotis tuberculata
Common blue edible mussel → Mytilus edulis
Common blue mussel → Mytilus edulis
Common cockle → Cerastoderma edule
Common cuttlefish → Sepia elegans
Common edible cockle → Cerastoderma edule
Common european limpet → Patella vulgata
Common garden snail → Cornu aspersum
Common land snails and slugs → Stylommatophora
Common limpet → Patella vulgata
Common mussel → Mytilus edulis
Common octopus → Octopus vulgaris
Common periwinkle → Littorina littorea
Common periwinkle snail → Littorina littorea
Common ram's-horn → Planorbis planorbis
Common whelk → Buccinum undatum
Common winkle → Littorina littorea
Curled octopus → Eledone cirrhosa
Cuttle-fishes → Sepiida
Cuttlefish → Sepia
Cuttlefish → Sepia elegans
Cuttlefish → Sepiidae
Cuttlefishes → Sepia
Cuttlefishes → Sepiida
Cuttlefishes → Sepiidae
Cuttles → Sepiida
Deep-sea whelks → Buccinidae
Duck clams → Mactridae
Dumpling squids → Sepiolidae
Dwarf flat ramshorn snail → Planorbis planorbis
Edible cockle → Cerastoderma edule
Edible oyster → Ostrea edulis
Edible oysters → Ostrea
Edible saltwater clams → Mercenaria
Edible snail → Helix pomatia
Eight-armed cephalopods → Octopus
Eledone octopuses → Eledone
Eledonid octopuses → Eledonidae
Elegant cuttlefish → Sepia elegans
Escallop → Pecten maximus
Escallops → Pecten
Escargot → Helix pomatia
European abalone → Haliotis tuberculata
European brown garden snail → Cornu aspersum
European brown snail → Cornu aspersum
European flat oyster → Ostrea edulis
European oyster → Ostrea edulis
European periwinkle → Littorina littorea
European red slug → Arion rufus
False tritons → Buccinidae
Fan shells → Pecten
Flat oyster → Ostrea edulis
Flat oysters → Ostrea
Food oysters → Ostreidae
Freshwater and marine gastropod molluscs → Neogastropoda
Freshwater pond snail → Lymnaea stagnalis
Furrow shells → Semelidae
Furrow-shells → Semelidae
Garden snail → Cornu aspersum
Gastropods → Gastropoda
Giant cupped oyster → Magallana gigas
Giant oyster → Magallana gigas
Giant pacifi oyster → Magallana gigas
Gilled sea snails → Trochida
Great atlantic scallop → Pecten maximus
Great mediteranean scallop → Pecten jacobaeus
Great pond snail → Lymnaea stagnalis
Great ramshorn snail → Planorbis planorbis
Great scallop → Pecten maximus
Green ormer → Haliotis tuberculata
Grooved carpet shell → Ruditapes decussatus
Grooved carpet shell clam → Ruditapes decussatus
Grooved carpet-shell clam → Ruditapes decussatus
Hard clam → Mercenaria mercenaria
Hard-shell clam → Mercenaria mercenaria
Hard-shelled clam → Mercenaria mercenaria
Heart shells → Cardiidae
Helicid land snails → Helicidae
Helicid snails → Helicidae
Horned octopus → Eledone cirrhosa
Horse mussels → Modiolus
Horsemussels → Modiolus
Immigrant oyster → Magallana gigas
Inshore squids → Myopsida
Japanese oyster → Magallana gigas
King scallop → Pecten maximus
Lady luck swimming bobtail squid → Sepiola atlantica
Land snails and slugs → Stylommatophora
Land winkle → Pomatias elegans
Land winkles → Pomatiidae
Large air-breathing land snails → Helix
Large red slug → Arion rufus
Large saltwater clams → Venus
Large scallops → Pecten
Lepetellids → Lepetellida
Lesser octopus → Eledone cirrhosa
Limpet → Patella vulgata
Limpet-shaped top shells → Trochidae
Lined top shell → Phorcus lineatus
Little cuttlefish → Sepiola atlantica
Littleneck → Mercenaria mercenaria
Littorinimorph snails → Littorinimorpha
Mactra clams → Mactridae
Margined ram's-horn → Planorbis planorbis
Margined ramshorn → Planorbis planorbis
Marine bivalve molluscs → Mytilus
Marine cockles → Cardiida
Marine gastropods → Littorinimorpha
Marine gastropods → Neogastropoda
Marine mussels → Mytilidae
Marine mussels → Mytilus
Mature dosinia → Dosinia exoleta
Mediteranean scallop → Pecten jacobaeus
Mediterranean cuttlefish → Sepia elegans
Miyagi oyster → Magallana gigas
Molluscs → Mollusca
Mollusks → Mollusca
Mussels → Mytilida
Mussels → Mytilidae
Mussels clams scallops shipworms piddocks and oysters → Bivalvia
Muttonshells → Haliotidae
Myopsid squids → Myopsida
Myopsids → Myopsida
Mytilids → Mytilida
Native oyster → Ostrea edulis
Neogastropods → Neogastropoda
New bobtails squids → Sepiolidae
Northern hard clam → Mercenaria mercenaria
Northern octopus → Eledone cirrhosa
Northern quahog → Mercenaria mercenaria
Octopi → Octopus
Octopodes → Octopus
Octopods → Octopoda
Octopods → Octopodidae
Octopods → Octopus
Octopuses → Octopoda
Octopuses → Octopodidae
Octopuses → Octopus
Opctopii → Octopus
Operculate land snails → Pomatiidae
Orb snails → Planorbidae
Ormer → Haliotis tuberculata
Ormer snails → Haliotidae
Ormers → Haliotidae
Ormers → Haliotis
Oyster → Ostreida
Oysters → Ostrea
Oysters → Ostreida
Oysters and allies → Ostreida
Pacific abalones → Haliotis
Pacific cupped oyster → Magallana gigas
Pacific oyster → Magallana gigas
Palourde clam → Ruditapes decussatus
Pauas → Haliotidae
Pauas → Haliotis
Peppery furrow shell → Scrobicularia plana
Periwinkle → Littorina littorea
Periwinkle snails → Littorinidae
Periwinkles → Littorina
Periwinkles → Littorinidae
Petit-gris → Cornu
Pilgrim's clam → Pecten maximus
Pilgrim's scallop → Pecten jacobaeus
Planorbid → Planorbis planorbis
Planorbides → Planorbida
Pomatias snails → Pomatiidae
Pond snail → Lymnaea stagnalis
Pond snails → Lymnaeidae
Portuguese oyster → Magallana gigas
Pāuas → Haliotis
Quahog → Mercenaria mercenaria
Quahog round clam → Mercenaria mercenaria
Quahogs → Mercenaria
Ram's horn snail → Planorbis planorbis
Ram's horn snails → Planorbidae
Ram's-horn snail → Planorbis planorbis
Ramshorn snail → Planorbis planorbis
Ramshorn snails → Planorbidae
Ramshorn snails → Segmentina
Rayed artemis → Dosinia exoleta
Real limpets → Patellidae
Red slug → Arion rufus
Red slugs → Arion
Red whelk → Neptunea antiqua
Roman snail → Helix pomatia
Round back slugs → Arionidae
Round mouthed snail → Pomatias elegans
Round mouthed snails → Pomatiidae
Round-mouthed snail → Pomatias elegans
Round-mouthed snails → Pomatias
Roundback slugs → Arionidae
Saltwater clams → Pecten
Saltwater mussels → Mytilidae
Saltwater mussels → Mytilus
Scallops → Pectinida
Scallops → Pectinidae
Scallops and allies → Pectinida
Sea mussels → Mytilidae
Sea snails → Neogastropoda
Sea snails → Patellidae
Sea snails → Phorcus
Sea snails with gills → Patella
Sea truffle → Venus verrucosa
Shelk snails → Littorina
Slugs → Arionidae
Small sea snails → Littorina
Snails and slugs → Gastropoda
Solid surf clam → Spisula solida
Squid octopuses and nautiluses → Sepiida
Squids cuttlefish and octopuses → Cephalopoda
Squids octopuses and nautilus → Cephalopoda
St. James shell → Pecten maximus
St. James' scallop → Pecten jacobaeus
St. James's cockle shell → Pecten jacobaeus
Stagnalis → Lymnaea
Star gyro → Armiger crista
Surf clam → Spisula solida
Surf clams → Mactridae
Surf clams → Spisula
Terrestrial pulmonate gastropods → Stylommatophora
Terrestrial snails and slugs → Stylommatophora
Thick top shell → Phorcus lineatus
Thick trough shell → Spisula solida
Top shell snails → Trochidae
Top snails → Phorcus
Top snails → Trochidae
Top-shells → Phorcus
Top-shells → Trochidae
Top-snails → Trochidae
Topshell → Phorcus lineatus
Topshells → Phorcus
Trochids → Trochida
Trough shells → Mactridae
Trough shells → Spisula
True cockles → Cardiidae
True cuttle-fishes → Sepiidae
True limpet → Patella vulgata
True limpets → Patella
True limpets → Patellidae
True mussels → Mytilida
True oysters → Magallana
True oysters → Ostreidae
True whelks → Buccinidae
Trumpet snail → Planorbis planorbis
Turkish snail → Helix lucorum
Typical snails → Helicidae
Typical snails → Helix
Typical true limpets → Patella
Venerids → Venerida
Venerids → Veneridae
Venus clams → Venerida
Venus clams → Veneridae
Venus clams and relatives → Venus
Warty venus → Venus verrucosa
Warty venus clam → Venus verrucosa
Waved buccinum → Buccinum undatum
Wheels snails → Planorbidae
Whelk → Buccinum undatum
Whelks → Buccinidae
Whelks → Buccinum
White clam → Spisula solida
Winkle → Littorina littorea
Winkles → Littorina
Alphabetical list of common english names