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136 results english for "brown"
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14 results english for "brown"

Cornugenusbrown garden snails, petit-gris
Eptesicusgenusbig brown bats, house bats
Myotisgenusmouse-eared bats, little brown bat
Hypholomagenustufts, brownies, woodlovers
Botaurusgenusbrown bitterns
Ranagenuspond frogs, brown frogs, holarctic true frogs
Hemerobiidaefamiliabrown lacewings
Lepidostomatidaefamilialittle brown-green sedges, lepistomatid caddisflies, bizzare caddisflies
Strophariaceaefamiliagilled mushrooms with dark spores, mushrooms with red-brown to dark brown spores
Dictyotaceaefamiliadictyotacean brown algae
Fucalesordofucoids, brown seaweeds, fucoid brown algae
Phaeophyceaeclassisbrown algae, phaeophyceans, brown seaweeds1, 2
Chrysophyceaeclassischrysophyceans, chrysophytes, chrysomonads, golden-brown algae, golden algae, chrysophycean algae1, 2
Ochrophytaphylumbrown seaweeds, ochrophytes, brown seaweed, brown and golden-brown algae, brown algae, yellow-green algae, brown and yellow-green seaweeds, autotrophic stramenopiles, photosynthetic stramenopiles, photosynthetic heterokonts1, 2

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