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395 results english for "red"
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39 results english for "red"

Acanthodactylusgenusfringe-fingered lizards
Phoxinusgenusminnows, redbelly daces
Ariongenusarion slugs, red slugs
Cervusgenusdeer, red deer and sika deer, asian deer and elk
Plecotusgenusbig-eared bats, lump-nosed bats
Dicrostonyxgenuscollared lemmings
Hemiechinusgenuslong-eared hedgehog
Myotisgenusmouse-eared bats, little brown bat
Vanessagenuspainted beauty and red admiral
Gryllotalpagenusmole crickets, seven-spurred mole crickets
Asiogenuseared owls
Milvusgenusblack kites, red kites
Elanusgenusblack-shouldered kites
Cardellinagenusred-faced warblers
Sequoiagenuscoast redwood, sequoia
Bombaxgenuscottontrees, silk-cotton tree, semul, simul, simal, red cotton trees, indian kapok trees
Metasequoiagenusdawn redwood
Keroplatidaefamiliapredatory fungus gnats
Pyrrhocoridaefamiliared bugs, firebugs, red cotton bugs, cotton stainers, cotton stainers and their relatives, stainers
Diaspididaefamiliaarmoured scales, armoured scale insects
Veliidaefamiliabroad-shouldered bugs, broad-shouldered water striders, riffle bugs
Strophariaceaefamiliagilled mushrooms with dark spores, mushrooms with red-brown to dark brown spores
Entolomataceaefamiliapink-spored terrestial gilled mushrooms
Cleridaefamiliachequered beetles
Dytiscidaefamiliapredaceous diving beetles, water beetles, diving beetles
Pyrochroidaefamiliafire-coloured beetle, cardinal beetle
Cupressaceaefamiliacypresses, cypress, incl. redwood
Cheyletidaefamiliacannibal mites, hunting mites, predatory mites
Choanoflagellidaordochoanoflagellates, funnel-shaped collared flagellates, collared flagellates
Choanoflagellateaclassischoanoflagellates, collared flagellates, free-living flagellate eukaryotes, funnel shaped flagellates, single-celled aquatic flagellates, protozoan precursers of the animal kingdom
Rhodophytaphylumred algae1, 2

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